A few years ago Dustin, a friend in the lab next to mine, suggested that we start a wine tasting group. The idea was simple; a bunch of amateur wine lovers get together every few months, each person brings a bottle of a particular kind of wine, and we have a blind tasting (and if they're lucky, I cook something to go along with the wine). When the wine group meets, it's always the highlight of my week. And thanks again to Dustin's suggestion, I've decided to post the results of our conclave.
So below you'll find our Top Pick (the one we liked the most) as well as one bottle that will become a part of the Wall of Shame (clearly, we didn't like it so much) in my apartment. From time to time you may also see Noteworthy Finds (this is for bottles that didn't really fit in with the others but we liked nonetheless).

Syrah Tasting
Syrah also is sold under the synonym Shiraz, which became the popular name in Australia and South Africa (but don't be fooled, it's the same grape). Syrah is known for its full body. This refers to how it feels in the mouth--think of the difference between whole milk (full body) versus fat free milk (very watery). They typically have hints of berry and pepper which makes them an excellent accompaniment to grilled foods or spicy dishes like Jambalaya (I'll post my recipe for that soon) which is what we ate.
Top Pick: Earthquake Syrah; Lodi Valley, CA; Michael & David Vineyards; 2004; $30.00+

This wine had a very fruit aroma, without being overpowering. It starts out juicy and then finishes with a light pepper taste on the back of the tongue. It sits in the mouth like a pinot noir (at least Crystal and I thought so).
Noteworthy Finds: Joel Gott Syrah; Oakville, CA; 2005; $13.99

This wine was all around fantastic. It had an amazing aroma that was very complex and not as sweet as the other Syrahs. The flavor is also awesome, very, very juicy compared to the other Syrahs but with the same peppery finish. This wine was noteworthy because it was totally different from the other Syrahs--but in a good way!
Wall of Shame (WoS): Sinceryl Shiraz; Western Cape, South Africa; 2004; $14.99

Bad aroma! Smells like a storage bin. No distinct flavor, weak, with a sour finish.
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