Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It's a dessert! It's a breakfast! No, wait, it's a smoothie!

The past few days in Boston remind me why I tell everyone that Seattle is a horrible place to live...let me explain. It has been in the mid 90's with humidity that gives you a perpetual "I'm standing in a shower" feeling. Now, for anyone who has been to Seattle for an extended period of time in the summer they realize it's quite the utopia; sunny, low humidity, reasonable temperatures. And this is precisely why I tell people it's horrible, because one day I'd love to move back to the city and the last thing I want is demand driving up the cost of housing.

Then again, perhaps I overestimate my ability to influence the urban housing market.

Well, the point of today's post is that in the midst of this special canto of Dante's Inferno that I call Boston summers, I whipped up a fantastic smoothie. The inspiration for this drink was that I wanted something to satisfy my evening sweet tooth but was not the typical summer favorite-- ice cream (I don't want all the dairy and sugar).

How do you like to cool off during the summer? Post a comment and let us know!

Dante's Smoothie

Don't let the name fool you, the blazing hell-fire refers to the weather that inspired this recipe, not the spiciness of the actual drink.

9 ice cubes (approx 1 cup)
1/2 c. apple juice
1/4 c. apple sauce
1/4 c. pineapple
1/3 c. frozen unsweetened strawberries
1 small banana (broken into pieces)
1/4 c. shredded sweetened coconut

Combine all ingredients in blender and blend till smooth...or smoothie.

Makes approximately 2 1/2 cups.


ben said...

i tend to walk around in my underwear saying "how about this heat". ok so i live in port angeles and we have yet to see a day over 70 degrees this year but still.

i do like oragne sorbet with bananas and strawberries blended together.

Robyn makes a killer strawberry lemonade from scratch.

Becca said...

Aaron, I have a recipe from my sister for Indian tea that I HAVE to send to you. I've only ever had it hot, but I imagine it would be equally heavenly blended with ice or over ice (as I don't own a blender)...


Becca said...

For the culinary delight of Aaron's blog readers, he has suggested that I post the Indian Tea recipe here!

(I HIGHLY recommend either doubling or tripling this recipe)

For 1 cup: bring 1 cup of water to a boil. Add 3 cardamon pods that are broken open and crushed and a large pinch of anise seeds (I tend to add a bit more cardamon b/c I like the flavor). Boil for 5 minutes. Add .5 T of black tea and take off heat and let sit for 5 minutes. Add .5 cup of milk and 1 T of sweetened condensed milk. Bring to a boil and take off the stove. Strain and enjoy.

And again, I've only had this hot, but I imagine it would also be spectacular over ice or blended with ice as a kind of frappucino...Yum...