This blog really began as a series of e-mails I sent to friends and family documenting my culinary adventures. I love to cook, as anyone who knows me will gladly attest. However, a year ago, my Crohn's Disease started rearing it's ugly head (after being in remission for over a decade). Being a chemist, I wanted to experiment with my food intake and decided to try going Gluten-Free (or at least flour free). I also wanted my meals to have a low glycemic load (i.e. don't cause your blood sugar levels to spike) given the history of diabetes in my family....
I know what you're thinking because it's exactly what I was thinking, "No wheat and no sugar?! I'll be eatting steamed broccoli for the rest of my life...this sucks."
However, as I started sifting through recipes (Cooks Illustrated, Cooking Light, Alton Brown) I came across some delicious prospects that fit my criteria. I'll do my best to reference the source (because I'm a good scientist) if applicable. So, here, I share with you some of these culinary delights and hope you'll give them a try.
AARON! A blog with your recipes? Genuis. By the way, I shared your recipe for the potstickers with my family when they came to town (they're GREAT with red wine), and my sister and parents are totally hooked. I can't WAIT to try more of your culinary delights!
What's this i'm hearing about potstickers? perfect timing on that quiche recipe, i was just looking for one today! keep it comin' aaron, can't wait to eat some of your creations soon.
aaron, i love this. also way to sport the su college society sweatshirt. fun days, those :)
The next time you're in town, I'm going to take you to an awesome Vietnamese vegan place called Vegan Garden. Yummy eats!
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